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State of Decay open world zombie survival survival horror game coming. STATE OF DECAY let´s play STATE OF DECAY Mi canal: http://www.youtube.com/user/IvanRapGa... Mi skype: zonewrap Mi Twitter: @IvanRapGameplays State of Decay [PC] [Game + Skidrow Crack] available is here: http://goo.gl/Vk93S Link Website Download Game: http://bit.ly/ZKR1R8 Unlike games such as Left 4 Dead and Dead Island, State of Decay will focus more on survival, stealth, evasion, distractions, securing the player's resources, and moving through the world than actual zombie combat. The game will be in an open world, where the player's choices are an important factor. Players will be able to build structures such as watch towers, gardens, and barricades to defend against the infected population. Food, water, shelter, ammo, and supplies such as copper wire will be necessary for survival. To obtain these supplies, the player will need to go on raids to abandoned supermarkets and many other shops, or the player can grow food themselves. The player can also find other groups of survivors that are willing to trade their resources with the player, in exchange for ammunition. The player will be able to rescue other NPC survivors, such as electricians, to help with defense, repair damaged electronics in the player's base, or to help with the player's raiding parties. However, the player will also be able to be a lone wolf, moving from building to building trying to survive. The player's choices will affect how the gameplay evolves. The game will feature 99 different guns. These are the different classes of fire arms: pistols, revolvers, assault rifles, shotguns, rifles, light machine guns, and sub machine guns. There are between 30 and 40 melee weapons to be found around the world. Guns can jam if your skill with them is low. Jammed guns will need to be repaired at your base. Gunshots will attract zombies, to combat this you can put suppressors on various weapons, suppressors will break over time. Each gun has a decibel rating seen in your inventory, the higher the decibel rating the louder the gunshot. There are three classes of melee weapons featured in the game; light blunt, light edged, and heavy weapons. Each class will have advantages and disadvantages. Your performance with the weapons depends on your skill which will grow as you use that type of weapon. During the game you will be able to enter buildings. Inside of these you will find loot and zombies. Zombies respawn, loot does not. Some buildings (designated with a fence) can be turned into a base. A base is a residence that you can upgrade but will have to defend. Only one base can be occupied at a time, they can be overrun, and relocated. A large number of customization options exist for the Base, including, but not limited to, gardens, tents for sleeping, storage areas, radio station for communication, workshop for upgrading and repairing weapons, generators for power, guard towers, and walls for defense. Any building that is not destroyed can be turned into an outpost. An outpost is a place you can sleep or store items. Zombies cannot spawn around an outpost. The number of outposts you can have is dependent on the size of your base. You can block the windows and doors of any building allowing you to sleep in it. Requirements State of Decay for Windows® Recommended System Specifications Operating System Windows 7 32-bit / 64-bit * Processor Intel® Core™ i7 (2.66 GHz) or faster Memory 4 GB or more Storage Install: 15 GB or more Download: 6 GB or more Video NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 460 with 768 MB VRAM or equivalent Sound DirectSound® compatible sound card (DirectX® 9.0c or higher) Internet Broadband Internet connection Resolution 1280 x 720 or higher; 32-bit DirectX® DirectX® 9.0c Controls Mouse, Keyboard, Gamepad TAG(ignore) state,of,decay,pc,crack,cracks,download,­­free,full,game,hack,hacks,requirements,­screens,torrent,torrents,youtube,blog,cracks and serialz,cracksandserialz,blogspot,hd,720p,1080p,gameplay,trailer,ign,works,100%­,­intel,amd,windows,core,duo,athlon,64,bit­,32, france,2012,2013,working,skidrow,razor state of decay pc torrent, state of decay torrent, state of decay full crack, state of decay crack skidrow, state of decay torrent skidrow pc, torrent skidrow state of decay, state of decay skidrow, state of decay download skidrow crack, state of decay cracked skidrow, torrent state of decay, skidrow state of decay, fullgame pc state of decay download, state of decay full version download, state of decay full version pc, state of decay game + crack, state of decay game + crack torrent, state of decay game + crack pc, state of decay fullgame pc, state of decay free download, state of decay free torrent

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